Laura McDonald

Step by step guide

Step One

Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
Step Five

Original Image
For my first step I cropped my photograph, this was to remove unecessary areas of the image that weren't supposed to be there and that didnt fit and blend in well.
To complete my second step, I turned lightened my shadows, darkened the highlights and turned up the midtone contrast.
This lightened the face more and made the shadows less dull and dark.
I then turned up the brightness and contrast which made the whole photograph lighter and darkened areas of the photograph outlining texture.
Fourthly, I adjusted the colour curves in the photograph.
This highlighted shadows more, turned up the contrast and made the skin lighter and smoother looking.
For my last step I added a deep emerald photo filter onto my photograph, I turned up the density and unpreserved the luminosity.
This added a solid colour onto my photograph adding colour and highlighting areas of my photograph using the green.
This also darkened my image and changed the colour tones.
I like how this photograph is bright and bland which focuses on the model's face. I also like how I added colour to the edited image.
Again he uses a distressed emotion with his mouth as he is trapped behind the material.