Laura McDonald
This is a series of portraits called 'Scotch Tape' created by Wes Naman. Naman looks at faces beneath tape and distortion, portraying a unique facial expression for each photograph.

Wes Naman
In this photograph, Naman uses vibrant colours to highlight the main features of the facial expression. Beneath the tape, Bobby is squeezing one eye closed which portrays that he is distressed, his right eye is wide open and attentive which could suggest he is in crying for help.
The blue and pink paint is used to look like tears running down his face; Bobby could be using this facial expression as the tape is painful, or he could be showing an emotion that means something to him, this could be because the feelings look so genuine.
This photograph looks beneath the surface because the photograph isn't just of a man with with paint on his face covered in tape, it shows so many more deep emotions.

In this photograph I like how Naman has dressed up the model to represent a princess with a tiara, necklace, beaded dress and silk gloves. Joy's lipstick is smudged and looking behind the meaning of the photograph can show abuse as her gloves are ripped and she looks frightened and forced.
This photograph is similar to the above and bottom photograph as they all represent an inner feeling, they all look distressed and are dressed up and forced to pose a certain way to hide their emotions.

Naman has portrayed Jakob as rather fed up, his right armed sleeve has been rolled up to show his arm and tattoo but his left arm sleeve has been rolled down to hide his arm.
He looks like he has been forced to pose like that as his eyes are wide and look like they're crying for help.
As the other two photographs, the models have been forced to dress or pose a certain way to represent something and I think Jakob has been forced to look strong and muscly.