Laura McDonald
Bruno Dayan
These are from series' of portraits called 'Fashion 6', 'Beauty' and 'Exhibition' (photographs are in order); created by Bruno Dayan.
Dayan looks at the beauty of people behind objects and materials with a colour scheme in each photograph.

In this photograph, Dayan uses a colour scheme of oranges and blacks. The model's hair is orange which links to the butterflies and the model's makeup and clothing is black which also link to the butterflies' colours.
I like how it's quite vibrant and interesting, the butterflies are flying around so the outcome of the photograph is unpredicted giving it an interesting look.
The expression isn't plain and boring as she is gasping, it gives the photograph its beauty as it captures the butterflies floating around with the model.
This photograph has inspired me for my photography work as it is very interesting and different, the model's makeup is very pale and white to blend with the background and her lipstick and choker are dark to contrast with the colour of her skin and the backround.
The facial expression is interesting as she is looking down, her lips are lightly parted and her head is slightly tilted down. I like how the clear plastic covers her face, Dayan hasn't used a coloured sheet as he wants to show off her beauty with a difference.
In this photograph, The model's body has been shown with her face covered instead of just a close up of her face and her body covered like the above photographs.
I like how the photograph is natural as she has been photographed in a garden setting. Dayan uses depth of field as the model is in focus in the foreground and the garden in the background is blurred.
I like the dark contrast in the background and how the model is bright, this helps the model to stand out.