Laura McDonald
All Photographs

These are all my finished and edited photographs. I'm exceptionally happy with my final portfolio for my coursework project 'Beneath the Surface' as I have fully experimented and exceeded my target of how I thought my final photographs would look like.
I have ranged my photographs as some are portrait, landscape, colour and black and white.
I don't really like my experimentation photographs because they look slightly immature and unprofessional because I was just testing out different materials and editing skills but I feel like I have progressed a lot during my portfolio, from taking photographs at home to taking photographs in college and in the photography studio.
My photographs definitely transitioned into a more professional, high quality portfolio.
I found my coursework difficult at times because I couldn't find enough models but I managed to work my way around it by using the same model more than once but covering their face so it wouldn't look too obvious.
If I could have had more time I would have found more models, improved the experimentation photographs and try out new photoshoots with new materials.