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Step by step guide

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Firstly, I rotated the image layer to make the photograph straight as the photograph was taken on a tilt.


Rotating the image meant that the model was in the centre of the photograph and that it looked more equal.


After I had rotated the image it left blank spaces around the areas that had been rotated so I used the stamp tool to fill in the blank areas using the background and model's clothing.


Secondly, I adjusted the shadows and highlights by darkening the highlighted and turning up the midtone contrast.


Doing so meant that the photograph darkened and areas of the model's face were highlighted more with shadows.

Step Four

Step Five

Step Six

Original Image

For my third step I turned up both the brightness and contrast. This ensured that the texture of the cling film was detailed and stood out. It brightened the image more so it wasn't dull.

To complete my fourth step I turned down the shadows and highlights.


This is so that the photograph wasn't too dark in some areas and too bright in others.


It also highlighted detail and texture,  on the material, making it more sharp instead of it looking dull and flat.

For my fifth step I added a red photo filter and preserved the luminosity.


This was to increase the red tones in the photograph and to add colour instead of having a plain coloured photograph.

The last step that I completed was adding a new solid colour layer ontop of the photograph and turning down the opacity to 25%.


This worked similar to the photo filter step but added a flat solid colour instead of changing the colour of the shadows and highlights.

This is my original photograph and I like it because the colours are quiet plain, the background matches the colour of the model's jacket.


I also like how the model's face looks distressed and how his eyes are covered from more wrapping and the lighting so you can only see his emotions through his mouth.


There isn't too much going on in the photograph so the texture is more highlighted and the focus is on the model's face.

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