Laura McDonald

Step by step guide
Step One

The first step I completed was editing the shadows and highlights. This gave the photograph a more darker feeling and more shadows to highlight the texture and detail. I didn't adjust the 'lighten shadows' as it made the photograph bland and drained.
Step Two

I then adjusted the brightness and contrast, I made the photograph darker and more contrasted to make the model's face stand out more than the background.
Step Three

My next step was converting the photograph to black and white.
Doing this meant that the model was more the centre of focus and attention and it gave the photograph a more grunge mood and look.
Instead of chosing greys and light colours I chose bold blacks and whites to look more emotional.

Original Image

This is my original photograph, I like the way I've captured the movement of the model, which makes it look as if the model is suffocating because of the material.
I chose a plain background because the model is more in focus, but it's coloured so the photograph isn't too plain as with a white background the photograph would look too plain.
I like the texture on the photograph and how the material is slightly see through so the model's face is still visible.