Laura McDonald

Step by step guide
Step One
Firstly, I developed the shadows and hightlights, I darkened the highlights slightly to give the photograph darker edges. I then turned up the midtone contrast to emphasize the colours more.
Step Two
I then altered the brightness and contrast, slightly turning up the brightness as the overall photograph was rather dark, I turned up the contrast to bring out the texture in the skin and facial features.
Step Three
My next step was adjusting the colour curves.
I turned up all sliders as doing so highlighted the model's face and facial features, brought out the colour in the feathers more and made the skin look slightly smoother because of the lighting.

Step Four
My last step that I completed was fixing the colour variation.
I selected to adjust the midtones as the colour variation was okay in the other areas of the photograph.
I turned down the colour intensity and increased the red and lightened the photograph making the colours stand out.
Original image
This is my original photograph which I like as it's close up on the models. It shows the texture and detail on the feathers and on the model's face.
I don't like how it's slightly blurry on the model's mouth but I think that the overall photograph looks okay as the feathers are in focus and they give the photograph more colour, vibrancy and boldness.