Laura McDonald

Step by step guide

Step One

Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
Step Five

Original Image
For my first step I used the cloning tool to copy feathers from other sections of the photograph to cover skin where feathers had fell off. I covered the nose and parts of the neck; this was to complete the photograph.
I also used the cloning tool to cover the corners and string from the clothing; and then rotated the photograph so the model was in the centre.
For my second step I adjusted the shadows and highlights. I lightened the shadows to highlight the colours more and turned up the midtone contrast to darken the edges.
I then turned down the brightness as it gave the feathers a more depth of texture. I also increased the contrast to darken the background slightly and bring focus to the foreground.
Fourthly, I altered the colour variations, I chose to increase the blue to give the photo a more chilling feel and to give more colour to the feathers. I then lightened the photograph to brighten the imge to highlight the centre of the photograph.
For my last step I changed the levels, this completed my photograph as it changed the tones and the highlights of the photograph ensuring that all shadows, lightings and texture were correctly set and displayed.
I like my original photograph because it's very colourful. I chose for my model to lie on a red blanket so that there was more colourful and it suits the materials I used.
I forgot to remove the small feathers around the model and gaps on the face but I later edited them areas.