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Firstly I used the crop tool and I cropped the photograph to give the model more of a centre focus and because the top and the side of the photograph didn't look as good.


 Cropping the photograph also meant that I could zoom the model in more as the photograph was taken rather far away, I wanted the zoom closer.


This made the model look more fierce because then you can see the model's face more in detail.

Step One

Step Two

Secondly, I turned up the brightness and slightly turned up the contrast.


This lightened the model's face and made the skin look smoother.

Step by step guide

Step Three

Next, I adjusted the exposure by turning up the exposure, offest and gamma correction. 


This darkened the edges of the photograph and the details of the face.

Step Four

For my last step I changed the photograph to black and white and edited all colour tones seperately to adjust individual areas of the photograph.


This made the photograph more bold and the model looks more intimidating which is the look I was planning on showing.

Original Image

This is my original photograph, I ilike the way the model is centered in the middle of the photograph. She again looks very fierce because she is looks straight into the photograph.


I could have took the photograph a little bit closer because I had to crop the gap were the material doesn't cover the photograph fully.



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